Io Kurihara

CBS Sports in-house projects

Marketing graphic designs

My roles: Designer / Animator

I executed a wide range of social media banners, outdoor advertising and logo animations with the creative team at CBS Sports in New York. Here are some of them.


Web and social media banners

My role: Designer

Digital signage at T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, 2019

My role: Designer

A logo animation for a B2B presentation deck

My role: Designer / Animator

Design solutions

My biggest challenge at CBS Sports was to deal with a hundred of fast-paced projects with inexperienced English and the sport fields. It may sound obvious, but I kept being on time every day and very careful eyes on designs not to make any small mistakes and gained trusts of directors. I also expanded the team’s creative capacity with making animations into advertisements and presentation materials.

CBS Sportsでの私にとっての一番大きな課題は、慣れない英語とスポーツプロジェクトを毎日早いスピードで数多く対処しなくてはならないことでした。あたりまえに聞こえるかもしれませんが、毎日時間を守り、どんな小さなミスも起こさないことを徹底することでディレクターたちからの信頼を得ていきました。また私が得意とするアニメーションを広告やプレゼン資料に取り入れていくことでデザインチームの表現を拡大することに貢献しました。